The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina (2024)

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Bolt Pockets Crown Tommy Bolt registering out of Ilurham won flnt-placa money of 14AM yesterday In capturing crown In Las Angeles Open For detail aee See 2 Faye 1 Weather fWUy dafldy and mild today and Yesterday's trmperatarnu 2S Tn rther weather data see Bee Pate 2 FIFTY-EIGHTH YEAR PRICE DAILY 5c SUNDAY 15c FINAL EDITION DURHAM WEDNESDAY JANUARY 9 1952 16 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS mm 1952 Congressional Session Gets Under Way' Republicans To Oppose Tax Hike Favor Tighter Check On US Spending Reds Weaken Some On UN Policing Plan Enemy Still Wants To Build Airfields During Armistice Towline Snaps Crippled Ship Wallows Helplessly In Ocean Land Almost Sighted When Tragedy Hits Action Paves Way For First Major Battle TOKYO Wednesday Jan 9 The Communists today dropped all minor objections to the United Nations plan for policing a Korean armistice but stuck to their insistence on the right to build new military airfields The Communists submitted a new proposal in the morning session of that subcommittee at Panmun-Jom and Maj Gen Howard Turner indicated the would reject it because of Red Insistence on building up military strength The Allies have insisted throughout the deadlocked negotiations that there must be no buildup of military strength and said they would never give in to the Communist demand for airfields that could be armed with planes from nearby Manchuria Nonetheless the Communist plan was the first of many days of negotiations In recent days the Reds have merely repeated old arguments and two days ago they snickered through the talks and showed a great lack of Interest in the proceedings General Turner said after this morning's session: "They made a counter proposal this morning which in general is in agreement with our proposal of Dec 29 with the exception of reconstruction of airfields Their counter proposal completely avoids any mention of airfields We took a short recess today to compare a translation of their counter proposal We reconvene at In answer to a question Turner said "I think I have told you before how we feel about airfields We have not changed our view on that in any way shape or form" Today's session began as Peiping radio kept up its dally stream of abuse against "American and and its aims at Panmunjom The Communists rejected new Allied concessions yesterday on the exchange of war prisoners and Peiping broadcasts which greet each new United Nations proposal with derision made it appear the whole Red program waa to stall and keep on stalling while building Communist strength WASHINGTON Jan 8 The 82nd Congress opened Its election-year session today and the Senate Republican Committee Immediately voted to oppose any tax Increase this year and to clamp a tight rein on federal spending Senate Republican leaders meeting behind dosed doors paved the way for the first big fight of 1953 President Truman asks for a tax boost as soon after Vice' President Alben Barkley and Speaker Sam Rayburn gavelled the Senate and House to order at noon Equally bitter fights loomed over foreign aid expenditures universal military training and any other issue touching on this fall's presidential election Chairman Robert A Taft (0) announced that the- Republicans voted unanimously to oppose any tax increase this year "on grounds that taxes have already reached the point where they Ire exceedingly He said present taxes threaten "the continuation of a free Mr Truman generally has been expected to demand still higher taxes It was disclosed today however that he has trimmed military spending requests 17800000000 which could mean a lower request than previously antloipated The committee also voted to set up a Senate-House committee on the budget which would ensble Congress to keep a closer eye on federal spending The Republican conference wu preceded by a meeting of Senate See CONGRESS On Page 3 Carlsen Tugboat Officer Presumed Aboard Freighter i LONDON Wednesday Jan 9 (XI crippled freighter Flying Enterprise broke loose from her tow-line in the rough Atlantic early today and was wallowing helplessly almost in sight of land Capt Kurt Carlsen and a British tug officer were presumably still aboard but had not been heard from directly for hours The battered and listing American freighter lay heeled over at the mercy of heavy seas about 33 miles from Falrouth but only a few miles off the English coast The ship rode out a three-hour storm last night and appeared to be riding steadily behind the towing tug Turmoil when the 750-yard 5-inch steel line snapped The break came shortly after 1 a (8 EST Tuesday) First word came from the Turmoil's owners who said the tug had radioed: "Tow parted Lizard bearing 225 degrees 10 Lizard is tho southernmost point off the coast of Cornwall around which the Enterprise was being pulled Twenty minutes later the destroyer Willard Keith radioed Navy headquarters in London that the line brgke "in rough The freighter Flying Enterprise wallows through rough seas toward England Falmouth harbor ywterday orVffom under tow by the tug Turmoil (not in picture) This airview looks down on the stern of the vessel which nc g20 pm) fc-v The ominous turn followed a midnight position report from the Keith that the worst of the storm it had reported earlier wu past and the Enterprise was being towed toward Falmouth at about three knots When the towline broke the Enterprise was about 53 miles from Falmouth where she had been due late today At 4:15 a (11:15 EST Tuesday the Navy reported: "No word from the Keith since the report that the towline parted We are expecting a report momentarily" Trinity House which has charge of all Britain's' Coast Guard and lifesaving activities and which must be notified at once of a derelict ship said it had no report on the Enterprise The break in the towllna came little more than two hours after the Turmoil had resumed towing the Enterprise Earlier a three-hour Atlantic storm forced a halt in the operation SEOUL Jan 8 (X)-Seve ral high ranking officers believe Gen James A Van Fleet should take charge of the Allied truce negotiations at Panmunjom The Eighth Army com mander himself probably even been consulted on such a move But officers at his headquarters say they think their boss could speed up the dragging talks There is no criticism of the way Vice Adm Turner Joy head of the United Nations truce delegation is handling negotiations the six-nation army plan succeed in the quickest possible time This reaffirmation of Joint policy came as a climax to a 90-minute meeting at the White the seventh since the conference began Saturday A joint communique of about 1200 words announcing the results of the meeting ia due to be issued some time tomorrow afternoon probably after the 77-year-old Churchill has left by train for New York en route to Canada Happy Sister Welcomes Brother Ricky Henricksen gets a welcome-home kiss from his sister Irene after being held captive since Oct 20 in a rubbish-filled home in Salt Lake City Police found Ricky chained to a bed (AP Wirephoto) Missing 14-Year-Old Boy Is Found Chained To Bed SALT LAKE CITY Jan 8 (XV-1 to the bed about half the time An accused bank robber today led during those 79 days Asked why officers to a garbage-littered house he took the boy Billett replied: Olive Still Considering Govs Race Tall Asserts Enough Voles Pledged Him 0 i To Insure GOP Nod "Just call It adventure Just call It a normal friendship' Ricky observed his 14th birthday Nov 7 while officers sought him Billett has been charged with both bank robbery and kidnaping Last night he was charged with the daylight robbery yesterday of a Salt Lake City branch bank This afternoon he wu charged with the kidnaping before City Judge Marccllus Snow The charge came under state and not Federal kidnaping laws because no state line was crossed Under it Billett faces one year to life im prisonment Judge Snow set the kidnaping arraignment for tomorrow morning Rickey had been sought in West- See MISSING On Page- 2 where they found chained to a bed Richard Evan (Ricky) Henricksen 14 missing since Oct 20 Chief Deputy Sheriff A Cal-lfeott named John Billett 24 used car salesman as the abductor Callicott said Billett admitted torturing the boy and forcing him to submit to immoral acts during the 79 days of captivity Later however Billett told reporters that he did not make any sexual advances toward the boy The chain-smoking prisoner said he had left Ricky alone in his car while he shopped and the boy 'could of gone home if he had wanted to" But Ricky said Billett threatened to kill his family if he tried to eecape Billett admitted chaining the lad At the final session in the White House Cabinet Room officials said Mr Churchill reiterated Britain's support for the all-European army idea first proposed by France This would combine part of the armies of France Italy Belgium the Netherlands Germany and Luxembourg Britain apparently wll' not Join In the army but will give maximum cooperation it waa said to make the plan a success Arnet-i can officials said there never was any plan for British participation but oiliy cooperation and that this satisfies the United States at present Officials in advance of the communique hailed the Truman Cancer Victim Who Charmed Nation Dies Collective Security Plan Backed By West Okayed In UN Unit LEXINGTON Jan 8 (Xt-For-tner Superior Court Judge Hubert Olive is "still entering the race for governor "I expect to have a statement within a few days saying whether or not I will Olive said today when contacted at his office here So far only two candidates have announced for next May's Democratic primary for the gubernatorial nomination They are former Senator and Congressman William Umstead of Durham and Manley Dunaway Charlotte real estate man Only yesterday MaJ McLendon prominent Greensboro lawyer indicated his health will not permit him to enter the race McLendon said ha is recovering from a recent operation and would not be able to campaign as vigorously as the race would demand State Treasurer Brandon Hodges also mentioned as a possible candidate removed himself from the race recently He said he would seek re-election to the State Job he now holds instead Heaviest Ground Fighting In Past Six Weeks Flares But certain quarters here feel that the presence of Van Fleet might impress the Reds One school of thought believes that the Russian proposal to place the truce negotiations before the UN Security Council should be countered by a startling plan from the Allied side Those of this opinion say the UN should propose that Van Fleet meet with Kim 11 Sung head of the North Korean regime and Gen Peng Teh-Hual Chinese Communist field commander in Korea Their argument is that this would raise the dignity of the talks Ousted Gen Crawford Is Busted To Colonel WASHINGTON Jan 8 IXI-Brig Gen David Crawford removed as commander of the Detroit Tank Arsenal has been reduced to hia permanent rank of colonel and assigned to a post in Turkey the Army reported to a House investigating committee today Gen Crawford was reprimanded and removed as commander of the Detroit arsenal when a House ex ecutiva expenditures subcommittee disclosed he had accepted favors from firms doing business with the ordnance center in Detroit WASHINGTON Jan 8 (Xl-Sen Taft (R-Ohlo) claimed enough pledges today to give him the Republican Presidential nomination if all his backers can produce the convention voting strength he expects from them At the ume time John Hamilton one of the senator's top campaign aides said Gen Dwight Elsenhower had "pulled the rug out from his supporters and left them without a candidate The statements from the Taft camp came in response to word from Eisenhower yesterday that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization commander would obey a "clearcut call to political duty" but would not take any personal part in a nomination drive Eisenhower backers claimed that the Paris statement assures the general's nomination and election Eisenhower's statement was elicited by the announcement of plans to enter hia name in the Republican primary in New Hampshire In a follow-up move today the New Hampshire Attorney General's office ruled that the general a Republican Some state house pbservers interpreted that finding a bar to entering his name in the Democratic preference voting move which Democratic admirers still had in mind in the fact of his words Another of the outgrowths of statement was a declaration from Harold Stassen another of the avowed aspirants for the GOP nomination that his bid is being made on hia own and not "a shadow campaign" for Elsenhower said the Reds lost an estimated 1000 men Tuesday in the fierce fighting Since Dec 28 when Eighth Army troops yielded a small bald a strategic the have been fighting savagely to regain it The hUl has been named "Paika (pronounced Pike's) honoring a former South Korean division commander Gen Paik Sun Yup It is only six miles northeast of the armistice conference site et Panmunjom In the third straight day of renewed air fighting 17 F-88 sabre eta of the Fifth Air Force Tuesday met about 100 Mlgs et 30000 feet over Northwest Korea In the ensuing 30-minute battle one Mig wu damaged pilots claimed There was no announcement of Allied losses if any The Air Force is now withholding casualty reporta until the end of each week PARIS Jan 8 (Xt-The United Nations Political Committee overrode Russian objections tonight and approved a collective security scheme to permit the UN to use regional armies such as the North Atlantic Pact forces The vote was 51 in favor and the Soviet bloc of five against Argentina India and Indonesia abstained The committee then adjourned until 3 (9 a EST) tomorrow Just as it was about to vote on a Soviet proposal for a high-level meeting of the Security Council to consider a Korean armistice as its first order of business This meant the delegates would not take a definite test vote on the Korean issue at least until tomorrow afternoon The United States France and Britain have been doing their best to kill the Soviet proposal on the ground it was intended to delay the armistice talks in Korea SEOUL Korea Wednesday Jan 9 (XI The heaviest ground action in nearly six weeks flared along the Western Korean Front Tuesday when the Chinese Reds hurled an estimated 4000 troops into battle A Eighth Army briefing officer said at least four Chinese battalions were fighting the South Korean First Division in the bitter Battle of Sasl Bulge west of Korangpo It was the first time the Allied unit engaged in the 13 -day -old battle had been identified The briefing officer said elements of two Chinese regiments knocked the South Korean forces off two knobs in the heaviest action since the provisional ceasefire line was set at Panmunjom Nov 27 The Chinese Reds threw their reinforcements into the fight only a few hours after the South Koreans ground out a small advance against a lone Red battalion The Eighth Army communique See CONFERENCES On Psge 2 Truman Doesn't Want Name In Minn Vote WASHINGTON Jan 8 President Truman has personally requested that hia name be kept out of the Minnesota presidential primary March 18 lt was disclosed today Informants said both the White House and the Democratic national committee asked the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer Labor Party to run Sen Hubert Humphrey (J-Mlnn) as a "favorite candidate Instead Ring Stealing Luxury Autos Said Smashed NEW YORK Jan 8 Federal agents said today they had smashed international rings that specialized in stealing luxury automo-bllea for foreign delivery at prices up to (7800 each They reported the arrest of aeven men in New York and one in Hoboken NJ on charges of interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles ATLANTA Jan 8 (UF)-Brave Betty Thompson the 19-year-old beauty whose high spirits in the face of a cancer death sentence won the hearts of the nation died today at her home in nearby East Point Betty died peacefully at pm She wag conscious to the end but her long and agonizing Illness had left her too weak to say goodbye to her family and friends Betty's love and death story began last spring when her doctors told her she would die but she was buoyed up at the time by her romance with Tom Amburn a naval aviation machinists mate Amburn received an emergency leave to fly from the Norfolk Va Naval Base to the side of his dying sweetheart but he spent only a few hours before his parents in Sioux Falls summoned him home Betty who had lost a leg to cancer before the disease spread to her lungs and doomed her had hoped to have Amburn assist her to the stage for her high school graduation But the youth didn't return from his conference with his upset mother The Navy revoked his leave on grounds the emergency was in Atlanta not Sioux Falls and Am burn was put to bed "near the breaking when he got back to Norfolk Betty later broke her engagement with him saying his mother's health apparently was more Im portant than her own She said at the time she would make the beat of what life was left for her and thanked the many friends who had sent her letters and gifts Courthouse Wing Rejected Last Legal Bar To Getting Natural Gas Here Removed Hickey To Succeed Leonard As Corps Leader At Bragg Testimony Begins Today In Hanes Slaying Charge $7335000 School Bond Issue Approved In Vance WASHINGTON Jan 8 The Army today announced the appointment of Maj Gen Thomas Hickey to command the 18th Airborne Corps at Ft Bragg He will succeed Lt Gen John Leonard who will retire Jan 31 after completing more than 38 years in the Army The Army recently announced that Maj Gen Charles Canham will succeed Hickey commander of the 82nd Airborne Division also at Ft Bragg General Hickey a native of Boston rose from the ranks He was a private in World War I and in the last war wu successively artillery commander of the 31st Division and chief of of the pistol slaying of Ishmon Simmons 40 a tenant of Hanes' Trent River farm near here No motive for the slaying has been disclosed by officers The Negro's partially-clothed body was found in his car about three miles from Hanes' farm on Nov 4 He had been shot with a 25 caliber pistol officers said Some of the Negro's clothing and his wallet were later found in Hanes' station wagon officers reported Solicitor Bundy has said he will seek a second degree murder conviction The maximum penalty for such a conviction la 30 years Clerk Superior Court Clerk William The natural gas to serve this section will come from the big cross' country pipeline built by Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corpora' tion and will be carried into Pub lie Service's mains through lines of the Piedmont Natural Com' pany Piedmont holds franchises for nst ural gas service in Greensboro Charlotte Winston-Salem and other communities formerly served with 1)41(10101 gas by Duke Power Company Public Service holds the franchise for distributing manufactured gu to this area and a con tract to furnish Durham with nst ural gas recently has been negotla ated between the firm and the City of Durham 1 Construction of the pipeline to Durham is not expected to be com' pleted until sometime late next Summer Public Service Company of North Carolina yesterday received permission from the State Utilities Commission to borrow over $0000000 for putting its mains and other facilities in shape to handle natural gas The permission cleared away the last legal hurdle required before the firm can bring natural gas to Durham Public Service Company plans to construct five lateral pipelines totaling about 169 miles first to towns and cities in the Piedmont section of North Carolina and eventually to Durham Raleigh Chapel Hill and other towns which it serves in the East The Utilities Commission authorized the Gastonia firm to issua $7-200400 worth of 44 per cent first mortgags bonda and 12000400 worth of six per cent Interim notes NEW BERN Jan 8 (X-Selection of a Jury for the trial of Newton Hanes prominent Craven farmer accused of slaying a Negro tenant farmer was completed-late today Testimony is scheduled to start a 8 am tomorrow in Craven Su-rlor Court before Judge John Burney Selection of a Jury from a special venire of 100 Jurors was begun shortly before 3 o'clock this afternoon The 13th or alternate Juror was chosen at 8:30 The all-white all-male Jury was empanelled and locked up for the night Most of the morning and cany afternoon session today was spent in summoning the special venire of Jurors Hanes 38 member of a prominent Winston-Salem family ia accused schools both while and Negro The entire Henderson Institute will ba purchased and the Negro high school there will be enlarged A new Junior high school with a vocational building will be erected at the Henderson high school for white pupils Several other projects will be undertaken with the muds Voters turned down plans to provide money to build a new jail al the site of the present Jail on West Brackenridge Street and to add a wing on the Church Street side oi the Courthouse The old part of the Courthouse also would have been modernized had the bond Issue carried HENDERSON Jan 8-Vance County residents today approved a $1335000 bond issue for school improvements and turned down a proposal to issue $630000 in bonds to finance a new wing to the Courthouse and a new JalL Results of a light vote showed that 1025 persons favored the school bend Issue and 710 were against it In a close vote of the Courthouse and Jail issue 891 negative votes were cast and 749 votes were recorded in favor of the issue The results of the balloting will be canvassed by the County Commissioners Thursday Plans call for the school bonds to ba used for City and County Penny Hike In Soft Drink Prices Granted WASHINGTON Jan 8 1X1 An increase of a penny a bottle on some retail sales of soft drinks was authorized by the government today Lower ceiling prices were ordered on soaps cleansers tallow raw wool and wool futures but these will have no affect on selling Prices Flanner uid today the trial probably will ba completed lata Thun- staff of tho 10th Corps in tho day southwest Pacific 31.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.