Winx Club - Episode 503/Script (2025)

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Winx Club - Episode 503/Script (1)
This script has been completed. All the lines and actions are in place, making it complete! Only edit if you think it can be improved.
The Rise of TritannusReturn to AlfeaThe Sirenix Book


  • 1 Return to Alfea
    • 1.1 Intro/Recap
    • 1.2 Scene: Alfea Central Courtyard
    • 1.3 Scene: Faragonda's Office
    • 1.4 Scene: The Winx's Dorm
    • 1.5 Scene: Neptune's Throne Room
    • 1.6 Scene: Lake Roccaluce
    • 1.7 Scene: Andros's Ocean
    • 1.8 Scene: Trix Temporary Hideout
    • 1.9 Scene: Alfea's Central Courtyard
    • 1.10 Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
    • 1.11 Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
    • 1.12 Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
    • 1.13 Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
    • 1.14 Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
    • 1.15 Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
    • 1.16 Ending

Return to Alfea


Narrator: The Winx put on a special benefit concert to protect Gardenia's beaches. In the prison of Andros, after absorbing toxic pollution, Tritannus has become a monster, who can transform sea creatures into evil mutants, which makes Icy fall madly in love with him.

Scene: Alfea Central Courtyard

Faragonda: Welcome everyone, welcome to Alfea College for fairies and a new year. I see many new faces and some familiar ones too. This year, there is one new fairy that I want everyone to meet. I am happy to introduce Roxy.
Roxy: Hey!
Faragonda: Roxy is from Earth, where magic was absent for a very long time. But through her courage, magic is back on Earth and she is here at Alfea, thanks to some of your fellow students... The Winx.
Students: Wow.
Bloom: Hey there everybody. We're back.
Students: Wow, great to see you.
Fairy #1: I am so glad you're back.
Fairy #2: We missed you!
Fairy #3: It hasn't been the same without you.
Bloom: Aww...
Fairy #4: I love your outfit. It looks great.

  • Kiko falls onto the ground.*

Bloom: Hm... Kiko. Hey.

  • She lifts Kiko in her arms.*

Bloom: Kiko's back too!

  • The girls laughs.*

Alice: Will you take a picture with us Stella?
Stella: Sure.
Alice: You're our favourite Winx. We always wish we were just like you.
Stella: No problem.

  • She changes the three students into her clones.*

Stella: Say cheese.
Students: Cheese.
Griselda: Such foolishness.
Faragonda: Yes, Griselda, I missed them too.
Bloom: See you later. Bye.
Roxy: Bloom! I can't believe I'm really at Alfea. I'm so nervous.
Bloom: There's nothing to be nervous about.
Musa: You're going to be just fine.
Roxy: Thank you, guys.

  • The Specialists arrives.*

Musa: Hey.
Flora: Hi!
Brandon: Hello ladies.

  • The girls giggle.*

Stella: You're such a geek.
Brandon: Happy to see me anyway?
Stella: You know it.
Musa: Hi.
Timmy: Hello, Tecna.
Tecna: Hello, Timmy.
Aisha: Hmm...
Bloom: Hey.
Aisha: Where's Sky? He didn't come?
Bloom: He's been really busy lately. Being Crown prince.
Musa: Riven says Sky's on his way.
Riven: Yeah, he's coming. He was right behind us.
Brandon: In fact, here he comes now.
Bloom: Sky, you made it.
Sky: Sorry I'm late, Bloom.
Bloom: I am just glad you're here.
Sky: Yeah...
Bloom: Sky, is everything OK?

  • Flashback.*

Sky: If the crown prince of Eraklyon loses the pendant, it means he'll never be happy with the girl he loves.
Sky: I lost it.
Bloom: Lost what?
Sky: Oh nothing. I just have a lot on my mind. Forget I said anything about it. Excuse me.
Bloom: Oh...
Helia: A special origami for you, Flora.
Flora: Oh, Helia.
Krystal: Helia!
Helia: Princess Krystal.
Krystal: I thought that was you. I am so glad to see you.
Helia: May I present my friend, Flora? Flora, this is Princess Krystal of Lynphea.
Flora: All Lynpheans know their princess, your highness.
Krystal: And I've heard all about you from Helia. I'm so happy I found you.
Flora: Oh...
Krystal: What have you been up to?
Helia: Umm... Well... Umm...
Krystal: Helia and I have been friends forever.
Flora: Oh...
Krystal: You have to tell me everything you've been doing, how was your summer?
Helia: Well, umm... Flora?
Bloom: Miss Faragonda, we need to speak with you.
Faragonda: Of course.

Scene: Faragonda's Office

Faragonda: Winx, we are once again facing a dangerous adversary. I am very concerned by all that you have told me about Tritannus.
Bloom: And the worst thing is that our Believix powers don't seem to work very well underwater.
Faragonda: Your powers as Believix fairies are great but far from land, in the worlds of water, they are less effective.
Stella: But Tritannus is strong.
Aisha: And getting stronger.
Bloom: How are we going to stop him?
Faragonda: There is one way, you must try to acquire Sirenix.
Stella: Oh, great! Just when I thought we were done.
Faragonda: Sirenix is an ancient power born of the magic of the ocean. It will make you strong enough to defeat Tritannus. But no one has become a Sirenix fairy for quite some time.
Bloom: Then, how do we acquire the power? Become Sirenix fairies?
Faragonda: You must start by finding the ancient book of Sirenix. But that would be a great challenge for it is hidden and I do not know where.
Tecna and Aisha: Oh!
Faragonda: However, I do know who knows its hiding place. Bloom, you must ask your sister, Daphne.

  • She creates a hologram of Daphne.*

Bloom: Daphne?
Faragonda: She was the last fairy to acquire Sirenix, only she can tell you.

Scene: The Winx's Dorm

Tecna: I'm running a search of all known magic databases for Sirenix.

  • Kiko falls from the table.*

Tecna: But so far, nothing.
Flora: Sirenix must be truly ancient. I wonder what the powers are.
Stella: I'll like to have a sushi spell, as you know, I can always go for some sushi.

  • Musa laughs suddenly Aisha's phone starts ringing.*

Aisha: Oh, it's my mom.
Niobe: Aisha.
Aisha: Mom, what's wrong?
Niobe: Things are rather difficult here, dear. Your uncle, King Neptune, is very angry that Tritannus escaped.

Scene: Neptune's Throne Room

Neptune: How could he have gotten away?
Phylla: We tried, your majesty, but... Tritannus has changed. He's a monster now.
Lemmy: He used his trident to turn the guards into horrible monsters just like him.
Neptune: Uh! I will not tolerate it. I will find him wherever he is and I will break him.
Tressa: Father, please.
Nereus: Think of what you're saying.
Neptune: Look what he has done to you, his brother!
Nereus: I am fine, father.
Tressa: He will heal.
Ligea: Please Neptune! Don't be rash. He is our son.
Neptune: Tritannus is no longer my son!
Ligea: You can't mean that. I will find him. I will talk to him.
Nereus: And I will come with you to protect you, mother.
Neptune: You're generous, Ligea. And you have courage and a noble spirit, Nereus. As I expect from one who will one day be king. But the answer is no! Guards!

  • King Neptune and the guards leave.*

Scene: Lake Roccaluce

  • Bloom sees some butterflies and follows them to Lake Roccaluce.*

Bloom: Oh! Hey! Wait!

  • Daphne appears.*

Bloom: Hello, Daphne.
Daphne: Hello, Bloom.

  • Bloom tries to touch Daphne's hand.*

Bloom: Oh...
Daphne: I am so happy to see you again. Do you need my help, little sister?
Bloom: Yes, Daphne. I want you to tell me where the Sirenix book is hidden.
Daphne: No, not Sirenix! Look at me. Look at what Sirenix did to me! When the three Ancestral Witches attacked the Magic Dimension, I was ready to confront them. But the witches cast a spell a spell on Sirenix. And when I used its power to defend myself, it turned against me and I became this, a spirit without a body. Do not seek Sirenix. If you fail, fate will be terrible.
Bloom: But I must try! There is a deadly threat to the Magic Dimension and to stop it, I need the power of Sirenix.
Daphne: I wish I could protect you.
Bloom: But you can't. Please, Daphne, tell me where is the Sirenix book.
Daphne: The Sirenix book is in the Magic Archive of Alfea. Find it at your peril.

  • Daphne vanishes in the water of Lake Roccaluce.*

Bloom: Daphne... Thank you, Daphne.

Scene: Andros's Ocean

  • The mutants are chasing a fish.*

Tritannus: You fools! I don't need a fish! I must feed my power, I need toxins. Those Winx have robbed me of it all. Polluting oil, toxic chemicals. Even those little bit of floating garbage.

Scene: Trix Temporary Hideout

Icy: Tritannus!

  • Tritannus makes a mirror to contact to the Trix.*

Tritannus: Icy.
Icy: I've got news. Your cousin, Aisha, and her little fairy friends are back at Alfea.
Tritannus: No.
Icy: Yes, ever so close to where we are hiding out. I see it as an opportunity to destroy them.
Tritannus: Good idea.
Stormy: *mimic Tritannus* Good idea.
Darcy: There's just a problem with your "good idea". Those fairies always beat us because they are stronger than we are.
Tritannus: This time it will be different. I will make you strong. Look!

  • The Trix laugh.*

Tritannus: The dark energy of my trident will make you powerful!

  • The Trix continues to laugh. Tritannus laughs.*

Icy: Now let's go get those fairies.

Scene: Alfea's Central Courtyard

Aisha: So, the Sirenix book is somewhere in the Magic Archive.
Flora: We don't know where is it.
Musa: And we don't know what it looks like.
Bloom: I didn't say it was going to be easy but we have to find it.
Stella: Well, at least we've got some reinforcements.

  • She looks towards Brandon, Sky and Helia.*

Bloom: Great. Will you guys make sure we're not disturbed? It's a big job and we need to focus.
Brandon: No problem. We've already worked it out. Helia and I will stay out here, Sky will guard the Magic Archive from the inside.
Aisha: Sounds like a plan.
Bloom: Sky, thanks for your help.
Sky: No problem, Bloom, I...
Musa: Let's get this show on the road.
Bloom: Oh...
Sky: I...
Bloom: Oh...
Musa: C'mon, Bloom.
Krystal: Hey, Helia.
Helia: Oh! Hi, Krystal.

  • Flora sighs.*

Scene: Outside the Magic Archives

Sky: Who's that girl with Helia?
Flora: Princess Krystal of Linphea, they're old friends.
Sky: Oh.
Flora: So, did you give Bloom the pendant?
Sky: No and you know Flora, I could use some advice.
Flora: OK.
Aisha: Here it is, the Magic Archive.

Scene: Inside the Magic Archives

The Winx: Wow! Awesome!
Tecna: Wow, hey look. Check it out!

  • The Trix are following the Winx.*

Stella: Where do we begin?
Aisha: We could try looking under "S" for "Sirenix."
Musa: Or "F" for "fat chance."
Bloom: A special book should be in a special place.
Aisha: This whole place is special.
Tecna: Commencing scan.
Flora: Cool!
Tecna: Scan complete, I believe an environmental analysis will reveal the location of the book.

  • Suddenly, the Trix appears.*

Icy: Hey you guys, looking for something to read?
Bloom: The Trix!

  • The Trix laughs.*

Icy: Hello, Winx!
Darcy: Did you miss us?
Icy: Uh!

  • Icy attack Bloom, Aisha and Musa.*

Bloom: Oh!
Musa: Woah!

  • Sky takes out his sword*

Icy: Prince Sky! New hair? Uh!

  • Icy attacks Sky, but he dodges the attack.*

Scene: Outside the Magic Archives

Brandon: Trouble.
Helia: C'mon Brandon!
Brandon: Right behind you!
Krystal: Helia! Wait!

Scene: Inside the Magic Archives

Stormy: Uh!

  • She attacks Flora, Musa and Tecna.*

Stormy: Look who's here.

  • Brandon, Helia and Princess Krystal arrive.*

Helia: Flora!
Flora: Helia, watch out!

  • Darcy attacks Helia.*

Flora: Helia!
Krystal: He's hurt!
Flora: Helia!
Krystal: I have healing powers, I can save him.
Flora: Thank you, Princess Krystal.

  • Krystal, Flora and Helia are out of the Magic Archive.*

Scene: Outside the Magic Archives

Krystal: Elixir Waves.
Flora: Oh...
Krystal: I think he's coming around.

  • Krystal's spell works and Helia wakes up.*

Krystal: Thank goodness.
Flora: I can't believe how strong the Trix are.

Scene: Inside the Magic Archives

  • The Trix are laughing.*

Bloom: Got you! I've had about enough of this.
Icy: Uh!
Bloom: Winx! Transform!
Winx: Magic Winx! Believix!
Stella and Tecna: Magic Winx! Believix!

  • Believix Transformation*

Bloom: Bloom, Fairy of the Dragon Flame!
Aisha: Aisha, Fairy of Waves!
Stella: Stella, Fairy of the Shining Sun!
Musa: Musa, Fairy of Music!
Tecna: Tecna, Fairy of Technology!

  • End of Believix Transformation.*

Bloom: Fire Arrow!
Aisha: Morphix Wave!
Icy: Oh, you Winx always the same.

  • She dodges their attacks.*

Icy: But my sisters and I have some new stuff. Uh!
Bloom: Whoa!
Sky: Looks like the Trix have some new tricks.
Bloom: They're stronger.
Tecna: Mega Watt!

  • Darcy dodges her attack.*

Stella: Solar Storm!
Darcy: No!

  • She starts grinning.*

Stella: That's not right.

  • Stormy attacks Stella.*

Brandon: Stella!

  • He catches Stella.*

Stella: Ahh!
Stormy: You don't really think you can stop me, pretty boy!
Tecna: Super Prism!

  • She makes a protective shield.*

Stormy: Uh!

  • Stormy attacks Tecna and Brandon.*

Icy: Stormy, give those Winx some reading material.
Stormy: Sure!

  • She throws all the books on Tecna and Brandon.*

Brandon: Uh!

  • The books turns into a small dragon.*

Stella: Oh no!

  • The dragon attacks Musa.*

Musa: Whoa!

  • Musa makes a protective field but the dragon destroys it.*

Darcy: Dark Hypnotic!

  • She hypnotizes Stella. Meanwhile, the dragon attacks Aisha.*

Aisha: Huh!

  • She makes a protective shield but it does not last long.*

Icy: Ah!

  • Icy attacks Bloom.*

Bloom: Yikes! Dragon Heart!

  • It destroys all the ice crystals, the dragon is now chasing Darcy.*

Darcy: Ahh!

  • Stella revives to her normal form.*

Aisha: Morphix Net!

  • She destroys the dragons.*

Aisha: Oh, yeah!
Tecna: Techno Shock!
Stormy: Ahh!
Darcy: No!
Aisha: Morphix Wave!

  • It traps Icy in a bubble.*

Icy: Ice Shards!

  • She sends ice crystals towards Bloom and Aisha.*

Bloom: Oh!
Sky: Bloom!
Icy: Goodbye, Bloom!

  • She attacks Bloom.*

Sky: No!

  • Sky takes Icy's attack and falls.*

Bloom: Sky!

  • Faragonda and Griselda hurry to the archives.*

Faragonda: What is happening in here?
Icy: Faragonda and Griselda! Time to get out of here, sisters! Bye bye!
Bloom: Sky, wake up! Sky, please!
Sky: What... What happened?
Winx: Oh!
Bloom: Oh, Sky...

  • Sky wakes up and Bloom hugs him.*

Bloom: Oh! Sky!
Sky: Who are you?
Bloom: Oh! Huh!


Narrator: The Trix cast an evil spell to interfere with the Winx in search for the Sirenix Book. Even worse, Tecna transforms into a terrifying version of herself. Can the Winx break the spell and save Tecna?

Winx Club - Episode 503/Script (2025)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6302

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.