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← The Rise of Tritannus | Return to Alfea | The Sirenix Book → |
- 1 Return to Alfea
- 1.1 Intro/Recap
- 1.2 Scene: Alfea Central Courtyard
- 1.3 Scene: Faragonda's Office
- 1.4 Scene: The Winx's Dorm
- 1.5 Scene: Neptune's Throne Room
- 1.6 Scene: Lake Roccaluce
- 1.7 Scene: Andros's Ocean
- 1.8 Scene: Trix Temporary Hideout
- 1.9 Scene: Alfea's Central Courtyard
- 1.10 Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
- 1.11 Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
- 1.12 Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
- 1.13 Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
- 1.14 Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
- 1.15 Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
- 1.16 Ending
Return to Alfea
Narrator: The Winx put on a special benefit concert to protect Gardenia's beaches. In the prison of Andros, after absorbing toxic pollution, Tritannus has become a monster, who can transform sea creatures into evil mutants, which makes Icy fall madly in love with him.
Scene: Alfea Central Courtyard
Faragonda: Welcome everyone, welcome to Alfea College for fairies and a new year. I see many new faces and some familiar ones too. This year, there is one new fairy that I want everyone to meet. I am happy to introduce Roxy.
Roxy: Hey!
Faragonda: Roxy is from Earth, where magic was absent for a very long time. But through her courage, magic is back on Earth and she is here at Alfea, thanks to some of your fellow students... The Winx.
Students: Wow.
Bloom: Hey there everybody. We're back.
Students: Wow, great to see you.
Fairy #1: I am so glad you're back.
Fairy #2: We missed you!
Fairy #3: It hasn't been the same without you.
Bloom: Aww...
Fairy #4: I love your outfit. It looks great.
- Kiko falls onto the ground.*
Bloom: Hm... Kiko. Hey.
- She lifts Kiko in her arms.*
Bloom: Kiko's back too!
- The girls laughs.*
Alice: Will you take a picture with us Stella?
Stella: Sure.
Alice: You're our favourite Winx. We always wish we were just like you.
Stella: No problem.
- She changes the three students into her clones.*
Stella: Say cheese.
Students: Cheese.
Griselda: Such foolishness.
Faragonda: Yes, Griselda, I missed them too.
Bloom: See you later. Bye.
Roxy: Bloom! I can't believe I'm really at Alfea. I'm so nervous.
Bloom: There's nothing to be nervous about.
Musa: You're going to be just fine.
Roxy: Thank you, guys.
- The Specialists arrives.*
Musa: Hey.
Flora: Hi!
Brandon: Hello ladies.
- The girls giggle.*
Stella: You're such a geek.
Brandon: Happy to see me anyway?
Stella: You know it.
Musa: Hi.
Timmy: Hello, Tecna.
Tecna: Hello, Timmy.
Aisha: Hmm...
Bloom: Hey.
Aisha: Where's Sky? He didn't come?
Bloom: He's been really busy lately. Being Crown prince.
Musa: Riven says Sky's on his way.
Riven: Yeah, he's coming. He was right behind us.
Brandon: In fact, here he comes now.
Bloom: Sky, you made it.
Sky: Sorry I'm late, Bloom.
Bloom: I am just glad you're here.
Sky: Yeah...
Bloom: Sky, is everything OK?
- Flashback.*
Sky: If the crown prince of Eraklyon loses the pendant, it means he'll never be happy with the girl he loves.
Sky: I lost it.
Bloom: Lost what?
Sky: Oh nothing. I just have a lot on my mind. Forget I said anything about it. Excuse me.
Bloom: Oh...
Helia: A special origami for you, Flora.
Flora: Oh, Helia.
Krystal: Helia!
Helia: Princess Krystal.
Krystal: I thought that was you. I am so glad to see you.
Helia: May I present my friend, Flora? Flora, this is Princess Krystal of Lynphea.
Flora: All Lynpheans know their princess, your highness.
Krystal: And I've heard all about you from Helia. I'm so happy I found you.
Flora: Oh...
Krystal: What have you been up to?
Helia: Umm... Well... Umm...
Krystal: Helia and I have been friends forever.
Flora: Oh...
Krystal: You have to tell me everything you've been doing, how was your summer?
Helia: Well, umm... Flora?
Bloom: Miss Faragonda, we need to speak with you.
Faragonda: Of course.
Scene: Faragonda's Office
Faragonda: Winx, we are once again facing a dangerous adversary. I am very concerned by all that you have told me about Tritannus.
Bloom: And the worst thing is that our Believix powers don't seem to work very well underwater.
Faragonda: Your powers as Believix fairies are great but far from land, in the worlds of water, they are less effective.
Stella: But Tritannus is strong.
Aisha: And getting stronger.
Bloom: How are we going to stop him?
Faragonda: There is one way, you must try to acquire Sirenix.
Stella: Oh, great! Just when I thought we were done.
Faragonda: Sirenix is an ancient power born of the magic of the ocean. It will make you strong enough to defeat Tritannus. But no one has become a Sirenix fairy for quite some time.
Bloom: Then, how do we acquire the power? Become Sirenix fairies?
Faragonda: You must start by finding the ancient book of Sirenix. But that would be a great challenge for it is hidden and I do not know where.
Tecna and Aisha: Oh!
Faragonda: However, I do know who knows its hiding place. Bloom, you must ask your sister, Daphne.
- She creates a hologram of Daphne.*
Bloom: Daphne?
Faragonda: She was the last fairy to acquire Sirenix, only she can tell you.
Scene: The Winx's Dorm
Tecna: I'm running a search of all known magic databases for Sirenix.
- Kiko falls from the table.*
Tecna: But so far, nothing.
Flora: Sirenix must be truly ancient. I wonder what the powers are.
Stella: I'll like to have a sushi spell, as you know, I can always go for some sushi.
- Musa laughs suddenly Aisha's phone starts ringing.*
Aisha: Oh, it's my mom.
Niobe: Aisha.
Aisha: Mom, what's wrong?
Niobe: Things are rather difficult here, dear. Your uncle, King Neptune, is very angry that Tritannus escaped.
Scene: Neptune's Throne Room
Neptune: How could he have gotten away?
Phylla: We tried, your majesty, but... Tritannus has changed. He's a monster now.
Lemmy: He used his trident to turn the guards into horrible monsters just like him.
Neptune: Uh! I will not tolerate it. I will find him wherever he is and I will break him.
Tressa: Father, please.
Nereus: Think of what you're saying.
Neptune: Look what he has done to you, his brother!
Nereus: I am fine, father.
Tressa: He will heal.
Ligea: Please Neptune! Don't be rash. He is our son.
Neptune: Tritannus is no longer my son!
Ligea: You can't mean that. I will find him. I will talk to him.
Nereus: And I will come with you to protect you, mother.
Neptune: You're generous, Ligea. And you have courage and a noble spirit, Nereus. As I expect from one who will one day be king. But the answer is no! Guards!
- King Neptune and the guards leave.*
Scene: Lake Roccaluce
- Bloom sees some butterflies and follows them to Lake Roccaluce.*
Bloom: Oh! Hey! Wait!
- Daphne appears.*
Bloom: Hello, Daphne.
Daphne: Hello, Bloom.
- Bloom tries to touch Daphne's hand.*
Bloom: Oh...
Daphne: I am so happy to see you again. Do you need my help, little sister?
Bloom: Yes, Daphne. I want you to tell me where the Sirenix book is hidden.
Daphne: No, not Sirenix! Look at me. Look at what Sirenix did to me! When the three Ancestral Witches attacked the Magic Dimension, I was ready to confront them. But the witches cast a spell a spell on Sirenix. And when I used its power to defend myself, it turned against me and I became this, a spirit without a body. Do not seek Sirenix. If you fail, fate will be terrible.
Bloom: But I must try! There is a deadly threat to the Magic Dimension and to stop it, I need the power of Sirenix.
Daphne: I wish I could protect you.
Bloom: But you can't. Please, Daphne, tell me where is the Sirenix book.
Daphne: The Sirenix book is in the Magic Archive of Alfea. Find it at your peril.
- Daphne vanishes in the water of Lake Roccaluce.*
Bloom: Daphne... Thank you, Daphne.
Scene: Andros's Ocean
- The mutants are chasing a fish.*
Tritannus: You fools! I don't need a fish! I must feed my power, I need toxins. Those Winx have robbed me of it all. Polluting oil, toxic chemicals. Even those little bit of floating garbage.
Scene: Trix Temporary Hideout
Icy: Tritannus!
- Tritannus makes a mirror to contact to the Trix.*
Tritannus: Icy.
Icy: I've got news. Your cousin, Aisha, and her little fairy friends are back at Alfea.
Tritannus: No.
Icy: Yes, ever so close to where we are hiding out. I see it as an opportunity to destroy them.
Tritannus: Good idea.
Stormy: *mimic Tritannus* Good idea.
Darcy: There's just a problem with your "good idea". Those fairies always beat us because they are stronger than we are.
Tritannus: This time it will be different. I will make you strong. Look!
- The Trix laugh.*
Tritannus: The dark energy of my trident will make you powerful!
- The Trix continues to laugh. Tritannus laughs.*
Icy: Now let's go get those fairies.
Scene: Alfea's Central Courtyard
Aisha: So, the Sirenix book is somewhere in the Magic Archive.
Flora: We don't know where is it.
Musa: And we don't know what it looks like.
Bloom: I didn't say it was going to be easy but we have to find it.
Stella: Well, at least we've got some reinforcements.
- She looks towards Brandon, Sky and Helia.*
Bloom: Great. Will you guys make sure we're not disturbed? It's a big job and we need to focus.
Brandon: No problem. We've already worked it out. Helia and I will stay out here, Sky will guard the Magic Archive from the inside.
Aisha: Sounds like a plan.
Bloom: Sky, thanks for your help.
Sky: No problem, Bloom, I...
Musa: Let's get this show on the road.
Bloom: Oh...
Sky: I...
Bloom: Oh...
Musa: C'mon, Bloom.
Krystal: Hey, Helia.
Helia: Oh! Hi, Krystal.
- Flora sighs.*
Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
Sky: Who's that girl with Helia?
Flora: Princess Krystal of Linphea, they're old friends.
Sky: Oh.
Flora: So, did you give Bloom the pendant?
Sky: No and you know Flora, I could use some advice.
Flora: OK.
Aisha: Here it is, the Magic Archive.
Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
The Winx: Wow! Awesome!
Tecna: Wow, hey look. Check it out!
- The Trix are following the Winx.*
Stella: Where do we begin?
Aisha: We could try looking under "S" for "Sirenix."
Musa: Or "F" for "fat chance."
Bloom: A special book should be in a special place.
Aisha: This whole place is special.
Tecna: Commencing scan.
Flora: Cool!
Tecna: Scan complete, I believe an environmental analysis will reveal the location of the book.
- Suddenly, the Trix appears.*
Icy: Hey you guys, looking for something to read?
Bloom: The Trix!
- The Trix laughs.*
Icy: Hello, Winx!
Darcy: Did you miss us?
Icy: Uh!
- Icy attack Bloom, Aisha and Musa.*
Bloom: Oh!
Musa: Woah!
- Sky takes out his sword*
Icy: Prince Sky! New hair? Uh!
- Icy attacks Sky, but he dodges the attack.*
Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
Brandon: Trouble.
Helia: C'mon Brandon!
Brandon: Right behind you!
Krystal: Helia! Wait!
Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
Stormy: Uh!
- She attacks Flora, Musa and Tecna.*
Stormy: Look who's here.
- Brandon, Helia and Princess Krystal arrive.*
Helia: Flora!
Flora: Helia, watch out!
- Darcy attacks Helia.*
Flora: Helia!
Krystal: He's hurt!
Flora: Helia!
Krystal: I have healing powers, I can save him.
Flora: Thank you, Princess Krystal.
- Krystal, Flora and Helia are out of the Magic Archive.*
Scene: Outside the Magic Archives
Krystal: Elixir Waves.
Flora: Oh...
Krystal: I think he's coming around.
- Krystal's spell works and Helia wakes up.*
Krystal: Thank goodness.
Flora: I can't believe how strong the Trix are.
Scene: Inside the Magic Archives
- The Trix are laughing.*
Bloom: Got you! I've had about enough of this.
Icy: Uh!
Bloom: Winx! Transform!
Winx: Magic Winx! Believix!
Stella and Tecna: Magic Winx! Believix!
- Believix Transformation*
Bloom: Bloom, Fairy of the Dragon Flame!
Aisha: Aisha, Fairy of Waves!
Stella: Stella, Fairy of the Shining Sun!
Musa: Musa, Fairy of Music!
Tecna: Tecna, Fairy of Technology!
- End of Believix Transformation.*
Bloom: Fire Arrow!
Aisha: Morphix Wave!
Icy: Oh, you Winx always the same.
- She dodges their attacks.*
Icy: But my sisters and I have some new stuff. Uh!
Bloom: Whoa!
Sky: Looks like the Trix have some new tricks.
Bloom: They're stronger.
Tecna: Mega Watt!
- Darcy dodges her attack.*
Stella: Solar Storm!
Darcy: No!
- She starts grinning.*
Stella: That's not right.
- Stormy attacks Stella.*
Brandon: Stella!
- He catches Stella.*
Stella: Ahh!
Stormy: You don't really think you can stop me, pretty boy!
Tecna: Super Prism!
- She makes a protective shield.*
Stormy: Uh!
- Stormy attacks Tecna and Brandon.*
Icy: Stormy, give those Winx some reading material.
Stormy: Sure!
- She throws all the books on Tecna and Brandon.*
Brandon: Uh!
- The books turns into a small dragon.*
Stella: Oh no!
- The dragon attacks Musa.*
Musa: Whoa!
- Musa makes a protective field but the dragon destroys it.*
Darcy: Dark Hypnotic!
- She hypnotizes Stella. Meanwhile, the dragon attacks Aisha.*
Aisha: Huh!
- She makes a protective shield but it does not last long.*
Icy: Ah!
- Icy attacks Bloom.*
Bloom: Yikes! Dragon Heart!
- It destroys all the ice crystals, the dragon is now chasing Darcy.*
Darcy: Ahh!
- Stella revives to her normal form.*
Aisha: Morphix Net!
- She destroys the dragons.*
Aisha: Oh, yeah!
Tecna: Techno Shock!
Stormy: Ahh!
Darcy: No!
Aisha: Morphix Wave!
- It traps Icy in a bubble.*
Icy: Ice Shards!
- She sends ice crystals towards Bloom and Aisha.*
Bloom: Oh!
Sky: Bloom!
Icy: Goodbye, Bloom!
- She attacks Bloom.*
Sky: No!
- Sky takes Icy's attack and falls.*
Bloom: Sky!
- Faragonda and Griselda hurry to the archives.*
Faragonda: What is happening in here?
Icy: Faragonda and Griselda! Time to get out of here, sisters! Bye bye!
Bloom: Sky, wake up! Sky, please!
Sky: What... What happened?
Winx: Oh!
Bloom: Oh, Sky...
- Sky wakes up and Bloom hugs him.*
Bloom: Oh! Sky!
Sky: Who are you?
Bloom: Oh! Huh!
Narrator: The Trix cast an evil spell to interfere with the Winx in search for the Sirenix Book. Even worse, Tecna transforms into a terrifying version of herself. Can the Winx break the spell and save Tecna?